
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Live In It Winner

A few days ago, I was made aware the Live In It to Win It contest,
hosted by WYSP Radio in Philadelphia, where 4 people had to stay
in a 2011 Cherry Red Mustang, getting a 15 minute break every 3 hours....

Of the 4 people who began this contest, it was down to 2 people in the end,
and 12 days after the contest began, a winner was announced on July 2.

It came down to a vote, rather than who was able
to actually stay in the vehicle the longest.

Congratulations to the winner of the 2011 Mustang !

Hopefully the first stop was at a car wash to get
rid of all that trash that piled up over the last 12 days!
Can anyone say, Air Freshener?

Want to see more?.... All photos and videos are available here.